Discover what happens when psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis join forces in sebopsoriasis. Explore symptoms, treatments, and tips for managing those pesky dry patches.

Sebopsoriasis is basically like the marriage (aw! 🥰 ) of two common skin conditions: psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis (Oh. 😐 ).

So, when psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis get together and form a sebopsoriasis union, what do you get (aside from a lot of dry patches)?

Fast facts on sebopsoriasis

  • Diagnosis: Sebopsoriasis means you were diagnosed with both psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Symptoms: Red patches or plaques and yellow, greasy scales on the face or scalp.
  • Treatments: Creams, shampoos, medications, or therapies that treat psoriasis and dandruff.

Here’s everything you need to know about sebopsoriasis and how to treat it.

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edit by Wenzdai Figueroa

About 2 to 3 percent of people have psoriasis and at least 3 percent have seborrheic dermatitis. Both cause red or purplish (depending on skin tone), patchy scales. Unlike psoriasis though, seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the face, scalp, central chest area, and groin.

When a doc diagnoses you with both conditions, that means you have sebopsoriasis. It typically appears on the face or scalp in the form of red patches or plaques and yellow, greasy-ish scales. (Unfortunately, not exactly like a mermaid’s 🧜 .)

Player 1: Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that usually happens around the oiliest areas of the bod: your scalp or face. It’s on the same disease spectrum as dandruff, but it can happen on your face as well as your scalp.

If someone in your family has it, you’re more likely to have it too — though experts still don’t know why. Men are also more likely to get it than women. And for some reason, it’s most likely to emerge for the first time when you’re a young adult or over age 50.

Though seborrheic dermatitis symptoms vary, they might include:

Player 2: Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, itchy patches anywhere on the body.

Psoriasis is actually an immune-mediated disease. Though experts don’t know for sure what causes it, it has something to do with your immune system kicking into overdrive and causing probs. This might have something to do with genes or environmental factors, but the pros aren’t positive.

What they do know is that many people with the condition have a family history of the disease (confirmed: Kim has Kris Jenner to blame for her psoriasis). Cold weather also seems to trigger it, as can certain medications, infections, or smoking.

And, it usually onsets between ages 15 and 25, but really, it can happen anytime.

Some of the most common symptoms of psoriasis include:

Some people have a condition called psoriatic arthritis, which is similar to psoriasis, but also causes swollen, stiff, and painful joints.

What makes psoriasis worse?

Just like your least favorite ex, psoriasis always seems to show up during the most stressful times of life. Flare-ups tend to get worse when:

Treating both psoriasis and sebopsoriasis means addressing both psoriasis and dandruff. Ignoring one is basically like disciplining one problem child and giving the other one a free-pass to misbehave.

It usually takes some trial and error, so find yourself a trusty doctor and be prepared to try out a few different creams, shampoos, meds, or therapies.

Common treatments for sebopsoriasis include:

The type of treatment your doctor recommends will depend on the severity of your symptoms. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Mild sebosporiasis. Mild basically means, “Yeah, it sucks, but I’m still chillin.” Your sebopsoriasis might bother you, but it really doesn’t take a big toll on your overall quality of life. Mild, routine skin care might be enough to do the trick.
  • Moderate sebosporiasis. Moderate is more like, “Hey, guyyys? A little help here!” Your rash is getting outta control and skin care treatments just aren’t cutting it. At this point, it causes regular discomfort and a serious effect on your life.
  • Severe sebosporiasis. This is so severe you wake up saying, “Not today, Satan.” But you get its red, scaly wrath anyway. Topical treatments aren’t working. Therapy’s not cutting it. And on top of that, it’s causing you serious physical or psychological discomfort. Not cool, sebopsoriasis.

There aren’t any tried-and-true cures for sebopsoriasis, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis right now (boo, hiss). Some people swear by essential oils, while others say it’s all about what you eat. But the jury’s still out.

Though your dermatologist can help you treat, manage and prevent symptoms, you can’t necessarily kick it for good. However, with the right maintenance regimen, you can help keep it under control.

With a professional, you can track your symptoms to determine the triggers for your condition, such as:

Prevention is often the best medicine

Once you figure out how to identify your triggers and manage symptoms with your doc, these tips might help:

Destress. Try a new relaxation technique, listen to a meditation app, or do some breathing exercises to find your Zen. If stress is really wreaking havoc on your skin, going to therapy for stress management might help too.

Calm your allergies. Allergy meds not cutting it for seasonal allergies, or you prefer a more natural route? You can try different teas for allergies or even an allergy mattress cover.

Eat a healthy diet. Eating whole foods is always best. But, if you find certain foods trigger your sebosporiasis, you can try a modified psoriasis diet.

Work it out. Getting regular exercise not only keeps your body healthy, it can help reduce stress.