Are you all about that wine life? (Same.) Wine can be a relaxing and healthy-ish boozy bev. But before you pop that cork, you should know what drinking vino can do to your body shape and weight.

Here’s the lowdown on how fattening wine really is.

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The calories in wine mostly come from alcohol and carbs. One glass of wine doesn’t have that many calories. But when one glass becomes four, the calories add up quick. *clink, clink*

FYI: Downing a whole bottle (no judgment) can be anywhere from 600 to 700+ calories. The exact amount of calories depends on the type of vino.

If you’re looking for less sugar and fewer cals, go with a dry wine. And for the least amount of calories, opt for sparkling wine.

Here’s a chart to help you make up your wine mind.

Type of wineCalories per 5 fluid ounces
sauvignon blanc119
pinot noir121
cabernet sauvignon122

A 12 ounce bottle of light beer is usually around 100 calories. Heavier beer is about 150 calories. Meanwhile, one shot (1.5 fluid ounces) of vodka is about 97 calories. *cue the shots*

That said, one study showed that wine has more calories than most beer or liquors.

Keep in mind: If you’re a cocktail kind of person, mixers like juice and soda can greatly increase your drink’s calories and carbs.

Your body burns booze as a fuel source before anything else (including glucose from carbs and lipids from fats). One study showed that if your body sees alcohol as a primary source of energy, the excess sugar and carbs turn into adipose tissue (AKA fat).

Wine can also impact the amount of fat on your liver. The main role of your liver is to filter out foreign substances from your body. It also helps you process carbs, fats, and protein.

According to the University of California San Francisco, when you drink too much alcohol, it can lead to alcoholic fatty liver, damaging your liver and affecting your body’s metabolism.

You gain weight when you intake more calories than you burn. So, if you’re wondering if you can get a beer belly from drinking wine, that’s a yes.

Like any alcoholic drink, wine can also lead to bloating because it can irritate your gut. And, wine with more sugar can cause even more bloat. To avoid a wine tummy, drink in moderation. It’s also important to slay a healthy diet and exercise routine.

But can wine be good for you?

Red wine boasts some pretty impressive health benefits. It contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that’s been linked to heart health and can protect you from free radicals.

BUT! Most calories from wine are empty since they lack vitamins, minerals, and other significant nutrients. So, def don’t overdo it Bacchus style.

In general, drinking alcohol in moderation isn’t too bad for you.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, moderate drinking is:

  • For women: 1 standard drink a day
  • For men: 2 standard drinks a day

A standard drink is a drink that has 0.6 fluid ounces of pure alcohol in it. So, for wine, that’s about 5 fluid ounces of wine (NOT the entire glass).

Heavy alcohol use is considered:

  • For women: 4+ standard drinks a day
  • For men: 5+ standard drinks a day

In excess, the #WinoForever lifestyle comes with some pretty risky pitfalls. In addition to a wine belly and a nasty hangover, drinking too much on the reg can cause major damage to your body.

Alcohol is connected with an increased risk of:

In moderation, wine isn’t too fattening. You can still totes enjoy a nice glass of vino during your next virtual streaming sesh. Just remember that the calories add up fast and heavy drinking is never a good idea.