I am a Vita-Mix show demonstrator and health is my main focus. I always talked to my audiences about the Green Smoothies that I drink at home, but I never made one at a show. One show, the store was slow and I didn’t have an audience, so I decided to experiment and see if I could come up with a Green Smoothie that would appeal to the “general public”. The result of my experimentation was spectacular and now, my Emerald Ecstasy Green Smoothie is one of the recipes that my audiences like best!

You can find this and other recipes at: www.BlenderLady.com

  • Yields: This will make 2-3 LARGE servings or 4-5 smaller (juice glass size) servings.
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Total: 6-8 minutes
  • Active: Two minutes

Ingredients (7)

  • 1-2 Cups of Green Grapes
  • 1/4 of a large Pineapple or 1/3 of a small Pineapple
  • One large, ripe Banana (one and a half if small)
  • Half of an Apple (o.k. to include stem, seeds, skin, and core)
  • 1/4 of a slice of Lemon (o.k. to leave lemon rind on)
  • A BIG double hand-full of spinach (probably 4 cups)
  • 2-3 cups of ice (should reach the top of the container)


  1. Place ingredients into Vita-Mix container in the order listed above.
  2. Begin at variable speed #1 and quickly move to #10, then flip the switch to high.
  3. The mixture should be so “icy” in the beginning that it is quite thick and “slushy”. This will allow you to blend for up to two minutes without destroying enzymes. Blend on high until right at the “magic” moment when the mixture stops being “slushy” and is clearly a liquid.
  4. The juice will be a bit “foamy” at the top. Flip the switch back down to variable speed then turn the variable dial to #1. Blend at variable speed #1 for a little while to pop some of the “frothy bubbles” at the top.

The first glass with be “foamier” than the last glass which will be very smooth.

  1. Serve immediately (while still very cold)