It’s easy to get sucked into the allure “quick-and-easy-no-carb-all-carb-no-fat-all-fat-eat-this-magic-pill-and-you’ll-lose-weight” diets, but there’s one trick to losing weight that’s never failed us: burning more calories than you take in. One pound of fat is equivalent to about 3,500 calories, so for each pesky pound you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you eat. Diet is also essential for tipping the scales in your favor, but exercise also plays an important role.
Photo by Justin Singh
When it comes to cardio, interval training it great for burning calories fast, while plodding along steady state on the elliptical is less effective. But surprise, surprise— strength training is equally important because it causes muscles to keep burnin’ even after the workout’s over. Switching things up will also help burn fat faster, as muscles can grow accustomed to one exercise.
The Takeaway: There’s no quick trick— weight loss is all about calorie balance. Cut down on overall calorie count, keep up protein intake, and try a wide variety of intense workouts.
Not All They’re Cracked Up to Be
Like we said — if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. We rounded up the biggest fitness fads that don’t quite make the cut.
Fun Fact:
The technical definition of a “calorie” is the amount of energy it takes to raise a gram of water one degree Celsius. The “calorie” we measure food with is actually 1,000 calories, also known as a kilocalorie.