Curious if you can have sex with a UTI? Avoid it until you’re fully recovered. Sex can worsen symptoms and spread bacteria, making the condition worse. Prioritize healing for a healthier, safer comeback.

A UTI is a common bacterial invasion of the urinary system. It’s a total buzzkill but common, affecting up to 4 in 10 females at some point.

When you’re dealing with fiery crotch discomfort, intimate moments usually aren’t a top priority. But can you get frisky during a UTI if the mood strikes?

Nope, it’s a bad idea! Any sexual activity during a UTI can irritate, hurt, and introduce more bacteria into your urethra. It’s an invitation for the infection to stay and party longer. Instead, pause the passion and seek advice and treatment from your doc.

Continue reading to learn more about the safety and risks of sex if you have a UTI.

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It’s not the best idea to have sex with a UTI, and for good reason. Why? Because when you’re battling a UTI, your urinary tract is already under bacterial siege.

All sorts of sexual activity pose an additional risk during a UTI because fingers, tongues, and throbbing thrill hammers (skin or plastic) can force bacteria further into the urethra. Think of it as sending reinforcements to the enemy camp, and that’s the last thing you want. It can exacerbate the infection and hinder the healing process.

So, for your well-being and a speedier recovery, it’s wise to pause intimacy and consult with your doctor for proper guidance and treatment. Your urinary tract will thank you later.

When UTIs are in the picture, romantic rendezvous should be off the table. But fear not, because some savvy moves can help prevent future infections. Here are a few:

  • Stay hydrated: Sip on that H2O like it’s your job. Staying well-hydrated helps flush bacteria out of your urinary tract.
  • Pee before and after sex: Make a beeline for the bathroom before and after getting down and dirty. Emptying your bladder can help expel any bacteria that might have hitched a ride. Also, remember to pee regularly and don’t hold yourself in for too long.
  • Wipe front to back: When you’re in the restroom, always remember the golden rule – wipe from front to back to avoid bacteria from the booty getting anywhere near your urethra.
  • Practice good sex hygiene: Scrub your nails, clean your hands, and wash your crotch before thinking about sex! You should also wash anything that’s touched buttholes before it goes elsewhere. If you have anal sex, change condoms before entering other orifices. You don’t want to spread backdoor bacteria.
  • Take probiotics: These helpful bacteria may help keep the urinary tract free from their harmful counterparts. Lactobacillus, in particular, may help treat and prevent UTIs, according to 2017 research.
  • Drink cranberry juice: Research confirms that cranberry juice is an effective treatment for UTIs has found it to be effective. So, if you feel symptoms developing, reach for a glass.
  • Use alternative contraception: Diaphragms, unlubricated condoms, and spermicide can raise the risk of bladder infections. If you have regular UTIs, chat with your doctor about suitable alternatives.

Often, you can banish a UTI with self-care measures. But when is it time to pick up that phone and dial your doctor? Here’s what to look out for:

  • UTI symptoms persist: If you’ve had telltale UTI symptoms like burning during urination, frequent urges to pee, or cloudy, bloody urine, and they haven’t improved after a day or two, it’s time to reach out to your healthcare professional.
  • Pain or fever escalates: If pain escalates, or if you develop a fever – which could be a sign that the infection is spreading to your kidneys – don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.
  • Recurrent UTIs: Talk to your doctor if you get UTIs on the reg. They can help identify any underlying issues that might make you more susceptible.
  • Special cases: For pregnant or immunocompromised folks with suspected UTIs, it’s essential to see a doctor promptly, as these cases may require specialized care.

Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to UTIs. So, if you’re unsure or your symptoms are taking an unwelcome turn, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor for expert guidance and treatment.

UTIs are common, especially if you’re female. If you develop symptoms, it’s best to drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.

And while you’re on the path to recovery, it’s a good idea to put a temporary hold on any romantic escapades. Prioritizing your health and well-being should, instead, be what comes first!