
Katya Weiss Andersson

Katy Anderson is a freelance writer who covers health, mental health, parenting, and relationships for publications such as Huffpost, SingleCare, PopSugar, and others. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2018, and is passionate about spreading awareness and sharing her personal experiences living with this disease. Katy lives with her husband, three sons, and a jovial golden retriever who loves to remind her to stay active. You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Greatist Editorial Guidelines

Stumbling upon health and wellness tips is easy. It's non-stop, everywhere. But knowing that you found vetted, trustworthy, and relevant information? Absolute work. Greatist is here to make the journey easier. We’re distilling health information into stories that make sense, so you can focus on feeling your best as yourself. Read more about our process

Articles by Katya Weiss Andersson