
Alexandra Duron

Alexandra is a writer, reader, and cookie eater living in New York City. Copywriter by day and freelance journalist by night, she’s into everything related to fitness, beauty, health, and nutrition. She studied Journalism and Romance Languages at NYU and interned at VOGUE, ELLE, and Women’s Health. Post-grad, she joined the Women’s Health online staff and spent her days writing, researching, and flexing her social media muscles by managing the Pinterest and Facebook accounts. She loves punching it out in boxing classes, tapping back at SoulCycle, testing new beauty products, and, most of all, telling stories.

Greatist Editorial Guidelines

Stumbling upon health and wellness tips is easy. It's non-stop, everywhere. But knowing that you found vetted, trustworthy, and relevant information? Absolute work. Greatist is here to make the journey easier. We’re distilling health information into stories that make sense, so you can focus on feeling your best as yourself. Read more about our process

Articles by Alexandra Duron