Wondering why you’re always horny, even in unexpected places? Discover the complex reasons behind constant arousal and learn what might be causing your heightened libido.

Feeling constantly aroused at work, while out at the supermarket, or just by existing? We know sex is awesome, but why are you always horny?

Well, it’s complicated. Let’s talk about it.

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There are a few reasons why you’re constantly horny, besides just having a raging sex-drive, that are fair game to all peeps and reproductive systems.

Hormones get you going

Hormones have a massive impact on your libido. An increase of the hormone testosterone specifically ups your arousal, and getting in the mood actually increases testosterone levels. This creates a never-ending circle of horniness, thus boosting your sex drive.

Aphrodisiac foods up your desire

Eating your way to horniness is totally a thing when it comes to aphrodisiac foods (aka foods that boost arousal and increase sexual pleasure), and maybe you’re doing it by accident.

We’ve all heard about foods like chocolate, honey, and oysters being aphrodisiacs. But a 2013 research review showed that the research on these foods being true aphrodisiacs is actually limited and still in question.

Science does show that foods like pistachio nuts and spices and herbs like saffron, fenugreek, and maca have aphrodisiac qualities.

Drinking booze and taking drugs gives you feels

Ah, alcohol, the main cause of many feel-good moments. Though alcohol and other substances can interfere with sexual function (because let’s face it, sloppy drunken sex can be less than thrilling), they can make you more aroused to begin with.

That’s because they loosen up your inhibitions, making you feel more confident and a little more in the mood.

New relationship energy got you addicted to love

Your emotions can get pretty intense when you’re in a new relationship, or when you’re craving connection. New relationships are often exciting and adventurous, and it’s totally normal for all that new relationship energy to get you feeling all filled up with emotion and sexual desire.

One research review suggested that in romantic situations, the reward system and emotion regulation are similar to behavioral addiction. Likewise, if you’re craving connection, you may find yourself feeling extra horny because you want that personal connection you get from sex.

Hypersexuality may be to blame

Hypersexuality disorder or sexual addiction is a bit of a complicated topic because everyone’s level of sexual interest is different — and a super high libido might be totally normal for some. Hypersexuality disorder data is also pretty scarce and often limited to males.

If you feel uncomfortable about your constant sexual desires, and your sexual urges start to interfere with your daily life (such as your productivity and relationships), sexuality experts may also refer to this as out of control sexual behavior (or OCSB).

People can also get extra turned on for different reasons depending on their reproductive systems. It all comes down to biology and what affects your body and its respective reproductive system.

If you’re a cisgender woman or an assigned-female-at-birth (AFAB), here’s what might make you feel horny all the dang time.

The menstrual cycle makes horny happen

Your hormones are all over the place during your menstrual cycle, which can make you extra horny around certain times of the month.

Some people feel more easily turned on in the middle of their cycle, or 2 weeks before their period starts. This is around the time of ovulation, which is when you’re most fertile and most likely to conceive. Hormonal changes during this time can turn up your sex drive.

You might also feel more turned on just before your period. This is thanks to more fluid entering your pelvic region, which can cause sexual arousal.

It might also feel good to have sex during your period and you might find yourself more aroused during that time of the month. Your chance of pregnancy is also lower, but it’s not totally non-existent.

Full bladder got your bits stimulated

Wait. Needing to pee can make you horny? Yes, you might feel more horny when you need to pee because the vagina, urethra, and clitoris are all squished together. This is because a full bladder can put pressure on more sensitive areas, which ta-da could make you feel aroused.

Pregnancy makes you want to bang

Pregnant people’s hormones change all the time, making you susceptible to mood swings and changes in your sexual interests. You might find yourself crying because you forgot you ate all the peanut butter, or maybe all you want to do is get down and dirty under the sheets.

If you are a cisgender male or assigned-male-at-birth (AMAB), here’s what may lead to a constant state of arousal.

Frequent masturbation turns you on even more

To be fair, anyone can get horny from frequent masturbation. But a 2011 study found that males tend to think about sex more too (even though it’s not that much more).

A 2007 study also suggested that peeps with penises may masturbate more frequently compared to those with vaginas. But this is just a small sample and not necessarily representative of the entire population. Masturbation regardless of your sex could make you more hot and bothered.

Constant contact gives you free rub downs

Based on the fact that your peen hangs outside your body, constant genital contact such a rubbing, tugging, and touching can spring arousal. For some, even a slight brush can flicker sexual thoughts.

The good news is that having a high libido, and sex itself, is totally healthy.

Your sex drive is influenced by many factors that are biological, psychological, and social. The thing is, everyone is different and will have their perceptions about what it means to be “constantly” horny.

But if your constant arousal is disrupting your everyday life, you might want to talk about it with your doctor or therapist.

Is something else going on?

If you feel a compulsive urge to engage in sexual activity or these urges feel mandatory, these could be signs of hypersexuality disorder.

And, if you’re constantly having sex, but it doesn’t actually do anything for you or you feel empty afterwards, this is a sign that you might benefit from sex therapy.

Talking to a sex therapist could help you to learn about your sexual behaviors and figure out how to handle them or if there are other treatment options that can help.

There are a few ways to level out your sex drive if you’re super horny. But it’s ultimately your choice about how you go about it.

Have sex (no really)

Believe it or not, having regular sex can actually cool off your intense sex drive. It can help relieve stress and regulate your hormones, too. Having sex regularly can help you feel fulfilled and keep the horniness at bay.

Just make sure to have safer sex and take precautions to prevent pregnancy if needed and transmission of STIs and HIV.

Work out that tension

If you’ve been putting off working out for, like, ever, it might be time to get the blood pumping through your whole body. Exercise can help ease sexual tension by releasing some of the same feel-good chemicals and hormones that come with sex.

Show yourself some love

Masturbation is another tool that can help you stay on top of your constant arousal. As long as masturbation doesn’t get in the way of your work, relationships, and other aspects of your life, you’re all good to rub one out.

Get creative with your passions

Channel your creative side, or just find a hobby to take your mind off sex! Whether that’s art, music, or writing, finding something you’re passionate about can take your mind off your arousal.

Give meditation a try

Mindfulness meditation forces you to focus attention intensely on the present moment. Which may seem weird considering you’re trying to not think about your horniness, but hear us out.

It’s a calming method to help you deal with what you’re feeling and is often used in sex addiction treatment.

Look at your current relationship

If you’re in a relationship ATM, are you happy? Do you enjoy having sex with your partner? Or are you unfulfilled?

If it’s the latter, it’s possible your current relationship is causing more arousal because you’re not experiencing it. It might be time to sit down and think about whether the relationship is what you really want. Breaking off a relationship you don’t enjoy might help.

What if I’m always horny, but my partner isn’t feeling it?

If you’re always horny but your partner’s sex drive just isn’t at the same level, there are ways to help get in the mood. But if sex isn’t in the cards, respect your partner and share your feelings with them.

It also doesn’t mean you can’t have some time to yourself. Yes, we mean masturbation, or trying out some non-sex tips like creative outlets, working out, or meditation.

The basic thing to remember is it’s OK to have a high sex drive and everyone’s level of arousal varies. What is constantly horny to you might be different for someone else.

It only becomes a potential issue if constant horniness disrupts your life (for instance your work, social life, or intimate relationships). If this applies to you, it’s probably time to talk to a doctor about what you’re going through.