Time to gear up for the rest of holiday season. The holidays mean one very important thing … party time! Check out this week’s Greatist table featuring some our fav party snacks. And do not miss our awesome list of DIY gifts that’ll not only be fun to make, but save some cash-money, too.

Editor’s Picks

Real Versus Fake: Which Christmas Tree is Healthier?

For millions of people, Christmas trees are an essential part of the holiday season. But which is better for people and the planet: real or fake?

10 Amazing Companies Making Healthy Meals Easier

Ever wish making dinner at home were just a little easier? These companies have you covered with 11 unique ways to take the stress out of prepping a meal.

28 DIY Gifts for Any Budget (or the Hipster-Inclined)

Put the “thought” back in “it’s the thought that counts” with these budget-friendly DIY gifts for foodies, fitness geeks, and anyone who likes to feel happy.


Recipe: Lentils with Roasted Beets and Carrots

Try this unique lentil salad for a fiber-packed filling salad.

The Greatist Table: 10 Healthy Holiday Party Snacks from Around the Web

Make your holiday party merry and bright and healthy, too, with these 10 smarter appetizer recipes.

What’s Up With Modern Wheat?

Modern wheat isn’t the same grain our ancestors ate. Do new changes to wheat pose a human health risk?

News: Study Says Eating Meat Made Us Human

Tofu and tempeh may not have cut it a million years ago. Researchers suggest eating meat was essential for the human brain to develop.

News: Fancy New Soma Water Filter Is a Better Brita

What’s the best way to make sure drinking water is safe and clean? Soma is a new filtration system that looks great and works even better. Will it change the way we think about drinking water?

News: First Study Reveals Weight Loss Apps Could Really Work

The secret to weight loss my actually be in the palm of your hand. A new study says using an app could boost weight loss.

New Report Says Active People May Live Five Years Longer

A little gym time or b-ball with friends can get the heart pumping and help us look and feel better, but researchers found that active people can actually add years to their lives.

News: First-Ever Online Platform to Fight Diabetes Epidemic

A new online program supplies users with science-backed guidance for making healthy lifestyle changes aimed at reducing the risk of diabetes.

Healthier Choices: Reggie Bush’s Daily Routine

Longtime NFL running back Reggie Bush stays game-ready on and off the field by making healthier choices every day. Read on for a sneak peek into his day-to-day routine (hint: there are pancakes involved).

News: Petition to Remove Chemicals From Gatorade Hits the Web

Thousands of people are signing a new petition to get PepsiCo to remove brominated vegetable oil from its beverages. The chemical is used to preserve fruity flavors but may also cause health problems in humans.

Burn Fat and Control Appetite With Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper spices up a wide variety of food and drink, so consider this hot tamale for its powerful kick and potent metabolic punch.

Healthier Food and Fitness From Around the Web #imagreatist

Cutting out processed foods, stress-relief runs, and more. These are just some of the awesome healthier choices the greatist community is making.

The (Obvious) Truth About the 5-Second Rule [VIDEO]

The five-second rule is more than just a myth — it could be bad for our health. But how long does it actually take for the floor to ruin our food?

Spoons Inspired by Synesthesia (Taste the Rainbow, Literally)

Spoons have functioned the same for like, ever. But what if they did more than just shovel food in our mouths? Check out these new colorful, funny shaped, (crazy looking!), spoons meant to enhance the eating experience.

Look Young, Feel Healthy: Advice From Dr. James Hardeman

Looking young isn’t just about dying our hair and wearing the latest fashion trends. Dr. James Hardeman, author of “Appears Younger Than Stated Age,” talks about the keys to preventing health problems down the road and feeling young at heart.


Tech Spotlight: Testing the BodyMedia LINK Fitness Tracker

Greatist tried BodyMedia’s Bluetooth-capable activity-tracking armband to see if the multi-faceted gadget has what it takes to compete with other trackers like Nike+ FuelBand.

Exclusive Excerpt: How the Body Fuels Exercise

GUEST POST: In an exclusive excerpt from Strength and Conditioning Research’s new “Background” research collection, Chris Beardsley explains the latest research on energy systems and fitness.

Announcing the New Greatist Workout of the Day Series!

From now until February, Greatist is partnering with Joe Vennare and the team at Hybrid Athlete to provide our free Greatist Workouts of the Day.

Greatist Podcast: A No-Nonsense Guide to Healthy Living

In this week’s podcast we talk with fitness journalist Ted Spiker about why some common fitness goals backfire — and how to make sure yours never do.

Stand Up Tall: IntelliSkin Posture Apparel Put to the Test

Designed to improve posture, performance, and recovery, a new line of gear is hitting gyms, offices, and arenas near you. Read on to see if “intelligently designed” IntelliSkin shirts live up to the hype.

There’s Running and Then There’s High 5 Running

Love to sweat, but hate sweating it alone? Join the High 5 Running Club and get ready to feel the love from fellow joggers!


New App Lets Us Find Out If We Talk in Our Sleep

Sleep Talk Recorder is a new app that lets users record their nighttime mumbling and share it with others. We preview the app and take it for a spin.

23 Science-Backed Study Tips to Ace a Test

With finals in full swing, it can seem like the perfect time for a panic attack. Luckily, Greatist’s got 23 tips for staying calm and collected and putting those brains to good use.

Meditation Could Ward Off Winter Sickness

Move over chicken noodle soup! Scientists suggest meditation could help kill the common cold.

Quote: Calvin Coolidge Nailed the Real Spirit of Christmas

Christmas is about toys and turkey, right!? Not so fast, my sugar-high friend. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the U.S. knew “Christmas” was a state of mind.

How to Beat the Winter Blues, the Most Eco-Friendly Bike Ever, and More

Ready for some weekend link-love? From smart tips to stay happy and healthy during the winter to food-writing advice from Tim Ferriss, we’ve found our favorite links from around the web.