Yuk Hoe may have originally been served in the Joseon Royal Court using ox or horse meat instead of beef.

  • Yields: 4 servings
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Total: 20 minutes
  • Active: 20 minutes

Ingredients (15)

  • 1 pound tender beef (Your favorite cut)
  • 1 Bae (Nashi or Asian) pear
  • 4 egg yolk
  • 3 tablespoon pine nuts
  • 3 green or spring onion

Pear Wash

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon salt

Seasoning Mixture

  • 4 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoon sugar
  • 5 cloves fresh garlic
  • 2 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper


  1. Beef Partially freeze the beef to aid in cutting. Slice the beef in roughly 1/8 inch thick slices. Cut each slice into about 1/8 inch thick by 1 1/2 inch long strips.
  2. Green Onion Trim root and rinse in cold water. Cut green stalks from the onions and sliver from top to bottom. Fine chop the white portion.
  3. Pine Nuts Fine chop the pine nuts.
  4. Bae (Nashi) Pear Peel and quarter the pear from top to bottom, removing the seed core. Slice very thin, rinse in the pear wash, and drain.
  5. Garlic cloves Mince or press the garlic.
  6. Final Mix– Mix seasoning ingredients together in a bowl. Add beef and green onion and mix well. Divide into 4 portions and place in a mound on serving plates. Make a small depression in the center of each beef mound and place one egg yolk.
  7. Place slices of pear on each serving plate next to the beef. Serve with white rice and ban chan.
  8. Food Safety Warning: Consumption of raw or undercooked meat, poultry, and/or seafood may substantially increase the risk of foodborne illness.