Does vodka fit your calorie and nutrition goals, whether straight or mixed? It’s hard to tell without a nutrition label, but there are some surprising facts about this clear drink.

Have you ever wondered “Hey, what’s the nutrient content of these shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots (everybody)??”

If you’re tracking your food and bevvy intake, you might be wondering how alcoholic drinks — like vodka — fit into the mix.

Straight vodka is just alcohol and water, so it only contains calories from alcohol (which provides 7 cals per gram, BTW). However, things can get a little more complicated when you’re making mixed drinks or knocking back flavored vodka shots.

Here’s what you need to know about vodka nutrition.

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Vodka is a clear liquor made from fermented grains, like rye or wheat. It can also be made from potatoes, and — well — pretty much anything. Where there’s a will, there’s a way to make vodka. (Don’t try this at home, though.)

In the U.S., vodka must be at least 80 proof — meaning it contains at least 40 percent alcohol.

Vodka is really, really, really popular, and it can be taken straight as a shot, used in cooking, or used in mixed drinks like cosmos, screwdrivers, and white Russians.

Why is vodka nutrition info so hard to find?

You won’t find nutrition info for vodka directly on the bottle, and that’s because — unlike food and nonalcoholic beverages — alcohol isn’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. (Instead, it’s regulated by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.)

For this reason, nutrition facts and ingredient labels aren’t required.

And that means you, the consumer, get to play the least fun drinking game of all time: an internet scavenger hunt for vodka nutrition facts.

Unflavored vodka contains two things: water and ethanol (alcohol).

On its own, it doesn’t contain any sugar, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Some varieties may contain trace amounts of impurities, but these wouldn’t be significant enough to affect the nutrient content.

However, flavored vodkas are pretty popular too — with flavors ranging from grapefruit (interesting) to birthday cake (oh, it’s gonna be a happy birthday all right).

And, although you might be unaware because there’s no nutrition facts label or ingredient disclosure on the bottle, they can be LOADED with added sugar.

For instance, the Smirnoff brand has a huge assortment of flavored vodkas, and viewing their website or studying a bottle gives you absolutely no indication of if a given flavored vodka contains sugar or how much it contains.

However, they also have a Zero Sugar Infusions line, which is a line of flavored vodkas with no sugar. And that means you can safely assume that every other flavored vodka they offer contains sugar.

There’s just no way to know the exact calorie and sugar counts for each brand and flavor of vodka without directly contacting the manufacturer. Talk about a buzz-kill.

Here’s the nutrition information for a 1.5 ounce shot of plain, unflavored vodka.

80 proof vodka (40% alcohol)86 proof vodka (43% alcohol)90 proof vodka (45% alcohol)94 proof vodka (47% alcohol)100 proof vodka (50% alcohol)
Protein0 grams (g)0 g0 g0 g0 g
Fat0 g0 g0 g0 g0 g
Carbs0 g0 g0 g0 g0 g
Alcohol14 g15 g16 g17 g18 g

Wanna mix it up? Here’s the nutrition info for a glass (roughly 225 ml) of some of the most popular vodka mixed drinks. (Psst: a vodka and diet soda would contain the calories from the vodka, with no added sugar or calories.)

Cape CodScrewdriverBloody MarySalty DogSeabreezeWhite RussianVodka CollinsCosmopolitan (120 ml)Vodka and sodaVodka and cola
Ingredientsvodka, cranberry juicevodka, orange juicevodka, tomato juice, horseradish, Worcestershire saucevodka, salt, grapefruit juiceVodka, cranberry juice, grapefruit juicevodka, coffee liqueur, creamvodka, lemon juice, simple syrupvodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, lime juicevodka, club sodavodka, cola
Protein0 g1 g1 g1 g0 g5 g0 g0 g0 g0 g
Fat0 g0 g1 g1 g1 g18 g0 g0 g0 g0 g
Carbs23 g19 g7 g13 g18 g25 g36 g8 g0 g18 g
Alcohol19 g19 g18 g18 g19 g19 g19 g29 g19 g19 g

The nutrition info for vodka, unfortunately, is shrouded in mystery. Since it’s not regulated by the FDA, vodka (and flavored vodkas) aren’t required to have nutrition labels or ingredient lists. And while vodka itself is just alcohol and water, flavored vodkas and mixed drinks can contain lots of calories from added sugar. Something to remember next time you feel like tub-thumping.