Malva pudding is a distinctly South African baked pudding. It should be baked until its almost chewy on the outside, and then smothered in its sauce (I make a bastardised caramel for no good reason other than I like it) and then served with either custard, whipped cream or ice cream. Strawberries are the best condiment in my opinion. Its actually best the day after baking.

  • Yield: About 8 or 9 muffin sized servings
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Total: 50 minutes

Ingredients (14)

  • 1 cup of normal granulated sugar
  • 1Tbsp margerine
  • 1Tbsp white wine vinegar (red wine often used too)
  • 2Tbsp Apricot Jam (Strawberry works too)
  • 5ml Vanilla extract
  • 2 Large eggs
  • 1 Cup self raising flour
  • 1Tsp baking powder
  • 1Tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 Cup milk
  • 1 Cup normal granulated white sugar (use treacle for a butterscotch)
  • 125g butter
  • A little cream, milk or water (maybe 2 or 3Tbsp)


  1. Cream sugar and marge
  2. Add vinegar, vanilla, jam and eggs, mix well
  3. Sift flour, baking powder and bicarb, add to wet mixture
  4. Add milk
  5. You now have options: You can make one big baked pudding, or, my favourite, put it into those rubber muffin moulds, and bake at 180 degress centigrade until its a deep caramel brown colour. Muffins take about 40 minutes so the big dish will take a while longer
  6. While its baking, add sugar and butter into a pot over medium heat on the stove. You can also put in a little vanilla extract at this stage if you like
  7. Mix once butter has melted but then leave it alone completely until all the sugar has dissolved and its bubbling like mad
  8. Add a little cream, milk or water to thin it down, (my current administration likes it thick), and pour, while still warm over cooked pudding, into which you’ve poked a few holes. Allow some time for it to soak in