Coregasms, or exercise-induced orgasms, are real. Learn how working your core muscles can lead to unexpected pleasure and get tips to achieve or avoid them during workouts.
Core exercises and orgasms aren’t two things you’d usually think go together. (Aside from say, during some advanced positions in the bedroom.)
But coregasms, AKA orgasms that happen when you’re doing a core exercise or workout, really are a thing. When you work the muscles that stabilize your core, you may also contract the pelvic floor muscles that cause orgasms.
This prob sounds pretty weird, but it’s nothing new – scientists have observed this phenomenon since the ‘50s. In medical terms, a coregasm is defined as an exercise-induced orgasm (EIO) or exercise-induced sexual pleasure (EISP).
Here’s what else to know about the big core O.
Coregasms aren’t an actual medical term. They’re the nickname for exercise-induced orgasms (EIO). Though the pros don’t know *exactly* why they happen, they think they might have something to do with contractions that happen due to working your core muscles so hard.
But so far, there’s actually not enough evidence to say that EIOs are definitely caused by core muscle activity.
Unlike other types of orgasms, you don’t need to be having any erotic fantasies for them to occur – they’re not sexual in nature. That means that they don’t happen due to sexual thoughts – they’re purely a physical or muscular phenomenon.
According to data from 2014, about 9 percent of participants experienced an EIO at least once in their life.
In women, a coregasm reportedly feels kinda like a deep vaginal orgasm, though it might be less intense. Some women also say it’s not as tingly as a regular orgasm.
Most women experience the sensation in the lower abs, inner thighs or pelvis — not a throbbing feeling in your clit.
In men, a coregasm might feel similar to a prostate orgasm. These kind reportedly last longer and feel more intense – they also come with (no pun intended) more of a prolonged, building sensation rather than a pulsing one. This feeling can also expand throughout your bod.
Ejaculation can also happen, even if the penis isn’t erect.
We’ll be real: Scientists don’t really know why coregasms happen. They *think* that overworked, shaky ab and pelvic floor muscles stimulate the sexual organs (the vaginal walls or the prostate).
But TBH, they don’t know for sure. And since they’re a bit of a medical mystery, there’s no one tried-and-true recipe to creating them. Your ability to coregasm might be tied to your anatomy, your emotions, and your muscle strength – but we don’t have enough evidence to say definitively.
Even though technically anyone can have a coregasm, anecdotal evidence suggests they’re less common in men.
But since most research on coregasms is on women, we need more research to understand how exactly they go down on men.
According to a 2021 review, people reported a diverse range of exercises as giving them their first EIO, from ab exercises to yoga to rope climbing. So will inspire your unique bod to coregasm may vary.
But if you want to try it, focus your workout on your core and add some kegels to the mix. Doing some cardio to promote blood circulation to the area may also help fire things up.
And although high-intensity workouts are rumored to provoke a speedier coregasm, a low-impact routine could also work. You can increase your odds of the big O by doing more reps at a lower intensity.
Coregasm exercises for women
Do you want to end your workout with a bang or a coregasm? Here are some exercises to try that work best for women:
- crunches or sit-ups
- side crunches
- planks and plank variations
- hip thrusts
- squats
- leg lifts
- pull-ups
- chin-ups
- hamstring curls
- boat pose
- eagle pose
- bridge pose
Coregasms exercises for men
If you’re a man who wants to end your workout with a big C-O, here are some exercises to try:
Coregasming in men also reportedly happens during biking, spin cycling or running.
Understandable: Not everyone wants to be interrupted mid-workout by something often reserved for the bedroom.
Maybe you don’t want to be going for the big O at your local gym. Or maybe they feel awkward or embarrassed, even in the comfort of their own home. Whatever your reason, it’s valid!
It may sound obvious, but if you want to avoid having one again in the future, keep track of the exercises that caused one in the past. Ab exercises and pull-ups are very common culprits, but everyone’s different. Next time, skip these exercises. You can always swap them out with others that work similar muscles.
Or if it’s in public that concerns you, at least skip ‘em at the gym.
If you’re not ready to give up your ab workout, you can always stop the exercise as soon as you feel the initial contractions of the coregasm coming on. Move on to the next exercise – that should be enough to slow the coregasm roll.
You might also find it helpful to take deep breaths and relax your body when doing exercises that cause coregasm. This can help prevent contractions from occurring.
Coregasms are exercise-induced orgasms that can happen when you work your core. When squeezing the abs and surrounding muscles, the pelvic floor muscles that cause orgasms can also contract.
You can do certain exercises, like planks and crunches, to boost your odds of having a coregasm. If you find them uncomfy and would rather not have them, skip the exercises that have caused them in the past. You can also stop the exercise as soon as you feel one coming.