As your relatable fitness, health, and happiness guide, we’re striving to bring our readers awesome content on a daily basis. And every weekend, we want to share the love with others who are writing some kick-ass content in the wellness world:
Fitness: Eco-Friendly Fitness Products — FitSugar
With Earth Day a week away, we should suit up in gear that will make Mother Nature proud.
Health: Drunk Dudes Are Smarter Than Sober Dudes — Jezebel
Wait, really? The next time your man is slacking in the smart department, try giving him a beer.
Happiness: 10 Websites to Organize Your Life — Vogue
Spring-cleaning doesn’t just mean dusting off those cabinets. Reorganize your closet, wallet, and fitness routine with these helpful websites.
Blog Spotlight:How Physical Fitness Aids the Well Being of the Cancer Patient — Vitogo
The important of fitness is taken up another notch. Read how exercise can help remove toxins and boost energy in cancer patients.
Grab Bag: What Americans Fear vs. What Americans SHOULD Fear [Infographic] — Matador Life
Should we fear a shark attack or a heart attack? Find out which things are fear are actually legit.