As your relatable fitness, health, and happiness guide, we at Greatist strive to bring our readers amazing content on daily basis. Of course, not all of the best stuff comes from us! In this week’s link roundup, we highlight our favorite can’t-miss videos, articles, and opinions from the interwebz:

Revolutionary Act — 101 Ways to Be Healthy

A (long) list of tips to keep the body at its best.

Columbia University — The Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals

Be a little more informed next time the talk turns to nutrition. Makes for great dinner conversation!

Grantland — The Physics of Glass, Clay, and Cement

In honor of the U.S. Open, a look at the effect of different surfaces on tennis.

The Levo League — Get Bored. It Frees the Mind…

We’ve already written on the benefits of letting the mind wander. Is losing boredom a detriment to our thought?

The New York Times — Born, and Evolved, to Run

A conversation with Harvard’s “Barefoot Professor” on the mechanics behind running.