Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for everyone to see. Four goals, five contestants, and six weeks to crush said goals for the promise of a better life (oh, and $1,000!).

With only a few days left until the big race, Darby and Adrienne (@greatistdanda) are focusing on the following four things to ensure victory: hydration, rest, fuel, and confidence. While a 10K is nothing to sneeze at, we have faith in them and know they’ll leave a trail of smoke in their path.

Adrienne’s knee continues to give her problems, but a new shipment of RockTape should stop the issue before it starts, since, according to Adrienne, this is the only kind that really works for her.


  • We found out it takes two hours of intense training to make Regina (@greatistregina) feel loopy (though it doesn’t seem to impact her performance). Hey, some of us get loopy after two minutes of training.
  • We’re totally jealous of Jasmine (@greatistjasmine), who seems to be having the best time ever on her cruise. Not only is she taking mini-hikes at all the port stops, but she took over the dance floor for a few hours onboard. Is it easier or harder to dance when the ground is swaying back and forth?
  • Brandon (@greatistbrandon) is back at it again with his crazy concoctions. Ground turkey, taco seasoning, black beans, and edamame. We’ll have to try this one at home.