Sometimes healthy eating can seem like a real uphill climb. What’s healthy? What’s not? How many creative ways can one try to spice up kale?

First, it’s a little more nuanced than only eating foods that are categorized as “healthy” — after all, the healthiest eating styles (for body and soul) allow you to enjoy your favorite eats without guilt.

Still, for optimal physical health, you’ll want to stick to mostly whole, unprocessed, or minimally processed foods. And, you’ll want a mix of veggies, protein, grains, fruits, and dairy throughout your day (more on that here).

To help you make the best choices to fill your plate, your heart, and your stomach, here are 102 of the most nutritious foods you can eat.

It’s hard to cook a healthy meal without a good fat source, y’know?? These are the best of the best.

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is the OG of healthy oils, full of anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fats. In fact, olive oil gets lots of the cred for the healthfulness of the Mediterranean diet. Channel your inner Rachael Ray and go for that EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) for the most olive oil goodness.

How we use it: roasting veggies and making salad dressing.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is kinda unique in the world of plant-based cooking oils. It’s rich in saturated fats and has a variety of uses, from cooking to beauty. For all the coconutty flavor and minimal processing, look for unrefined coconut oil.

How we use it: baking desserts.

3. Avocado oil

Like the avocadoes it comes from, avocado oil — similar to olive oil — is chock full of monounsaturated fats. It’s also got a great, nutty flavor and a super high smoke point — making it ideal for pan-frying your foods to a perfect crispness. (Psst, you’ve gotta try it with asparagus.)

How we use it: pan-frying meats and veggies.

4. Ghee

Ghee — which is widely used in Indian cuisine — is clarified butter, made by removing all of the milk solids from butter. This leaves you with 100 percent pure, clear fat that has an excellent buttery flavor. In Ayurvedic medicine, aged ghee is even considered a brain booster.

How we use it: frying eggs.

Get your probiotics from these tasty foods and drinks.

5. Kimchi

Kimchi is a Korean condiment made from fermented cabbage. It’s spicy, pungent, and has a pleasant crisp bite. It’s loaded with probiotics from the fermentation process, and antioxidants from the antioxidant-rich ingredients it often contains — like garlic and hot pepper.

How we use it: as a pungent, spicy, crisp addition to our fave Korean foods.

6. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is kimchi’s milder, European cousin. It’s still plenty flavorful but doesn’t have the same spicy kick since it’s usually made from either cabbage alone or from cabbage with caraway seeds. It’s loaded with antioxidants, but make sure you buy it from the refrigerated section or make your own ferment at home — the canned stuff doesn’t contain any live probiotics.

How we use it: paired with corned beef for Reuben sandwiches.

7. Kombucha

If you’re not a fan of fermented foods, kombucha may be the easiest way to get your daily dose of whole foods-based probiotics. It’s a drink made from fermented tea, and it comes in tons of flavors — from those that celebrate the funkiness to those that mask it with other flavors (just be sure to read the nutrition label as many kombuchas are high in sugar). Either way, it’s a bubbly beneficial bacteria bevvy.

How we use it: as a refreshing, fizzy afternoon pick-me-up.

8. Tempeh

Tempeh is similar to tofu in that it’s a soy-based meat substitute, with one key difference: it’s fermented. This gives it a slightly different flavor than tofu, but it can otherwise be used in the same way. It’s an ideal minimally processed protein source for vegans.

How we use it: as a vegan meat substitute.

9. Natto

Natto is whole fermented soybeans. They have an extremely strong, distinct flavor and smell that doesn’t appeal to everyone, but they’re absolutely teeming with healthy probiotics (in addition to a healthy dose of protein).

How we use it: over rice for a quick and easy meal.

10. Miso

Miso is a Japanese seasoning paste made from fermented soybeans and koji (a fungi). It’s salty and pungent, and what gives miso soup its unique flavor. Like other fermented soy products, it’s got tons of potential health benefits — like improved immune health and decreased chronic disease risk.

How we use it: to add salty, funky flavor to homemade Japanese dishes.

11. Yogurt

Yogurt is made from fermented milk, so it provides the protein from milk plus plenty of probiotics. It’s good for your gut, and there are now plenty of plant-based ‘gurts on the market so the plant-based folks aren’t left out (though some have much lower amounts of protein than dairy-based yogurt). No matter what type you get, look for one that contains minimal added sugar.

How we use it: an easy snack with fruit and honey.

12. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented beverage typically made from milk (like yogurt), but it’s drinkable. There’s also water kefir, which is made from water, sugar, and water kefir grains (which are cultures of bacteria and yeast). Both of these fermented bevvies can be purchased at many grocery stores, or you can make your own.

How we use it: a creamy, light snack or breakfast on the go.

These whole grains are the whooooole package.

13. Oats

Oats are super versatile, and you can take them in the savory or sweet direction. They’re also a good addition to baked goods, and the secret ingredient to make meatloaf super moist. Oats are also rich in a soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which may offer some heart health benefits.

How we use it: to make overnight oats.

14. Quinoa

Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is a gluten-free grain that’s a bit higher in protein than other grains, making it an excellent addition to plant-based meals. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, so we’re pretty keen — er, quin — on it.

How we use it: as an *elevated* rice substitute.

15. Barley

When we turned 30, this became our new favorite bar. Barley is a gluten-containing grain that has a distinct, mildly sweet taste. It’s heavily used in Korean cuisine to cook or to make barley tea, and it’s rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and some antioxidants too.

How we use it: to make cold grain salads.

16. Einkorn wheat

Einkorn is an ancient grain, and in fact, may have been used to make the very first loaves of bread… ever. It’s easier to digest than regular wheat, so some people who are gluten sensitive may be able to eat it (it’s not appropriate for people with Celiac disease though). It also contains zinc, iron, antioxidants, and a fair bit of protein.

How we use it: to make homemade sourdough bread.

17. Amaranth

Amaranth makes beautiful, dreamy flowers, but it’s also a gluten-free grain that provides fiber, protein, and minerals like magnesium and iron. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties. With its nutty flavor, it’s also a good stand-in for other grains like rice or quinoa.

How we use it: as the base of a grain bowl.

18. Sprouted bread

Sprouted bread (also widely known as Ezekiel bread, after a brand of sprouted bread) is made from grains that have been partially sprouted before processing. This adds a unique taste to the bread and makes some nutrients easier to absorb — so you get more of the good stuff.

How we use it: sandwiches (cause who doesn’t love a good sandwich??)

19. Popcorn

Q — what’s the healthiest snack that you can eat 4 cups of for only 120 calories? Answer: it’s popcorn! Popcorn is also a whole grain, and it’s a perfect vehicle for bold seasonings.

How we use it: for a movie-night snack with Parmesan and oregano (or just M&Ms 🙈).

Load up on low carb veggies.

20. Garlic

Garlic is our favorite flavor, and it’s rich in the phytochemical (plant chemical) allicin. Eating garlic regularly may help support heart health by reducing the development of atherosclerosis or plaque development in the arteries.

How we use it: minced, in literally everything.

23. Onion

Like garlic, onion is a flavor bomb for anything savory. And onion is loaded with quercetin, a really powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant.

How we use it: caramelized, on a burger.

24. Avocado

OK, avocadoes are delicious but they’re WEIRD. They’re technically a fruit, but used as a vegetable, and they’re loaded with fat — the healthy kind, ofc. They’re also a really good source of fiber. Can’t stop the guac!

How we use it: for a bougie breakfast of avocado toast.

25. Tomato

Tomatoes are universally delicious — raw, cooked, sauced, salsa’d, canned, etc. They also have the highest heart-healthy lycopene content of any vegetable or fruit. AND they’re full of vitamin C, which offers skin and immune benefits, and helps your body absorb iron better.

How we use it: as the highlight of a good BLT (bacon is a supporting role).

26. Zucchini

Zucchini is a delish summer squash, and it’s a great plant for a beginner veggie garden too. Rich in fiber and low in calories, it also makes an amazing pasta substitute, brownie addition (to keep them moist), and dehydrated chip. Talk about versatility!

How we use it: spiralized, as a substitute for spaghetti noodles.

27. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a polarizing veggie — you either love it or hate it. And if you love it, awesome — because it can be used as a low cal, keto-friendly substitute for mashed potatoes and rice. And get this… it makes the best vegan chicken wings too, *and* is rich in phenolic compounds like coumaric acid and quercetin.

How we use it: mashed with plenty of butter and cream as a sub for mashed potatoes.

28. Broccoli

Broccoli is our second favorite tree (😜), and it’s full of protective plant compounds and fiber, both of which are important for health. Brocc around the clock!

How we use it: roasted with olive oil as an easy side dish.

29. Sprouts

Fresh sprouts from a variety of veggies offer an easy-to-absorb dose of nutrients, but broccoli sprouts and bean sprouts are two of the most popular choices. It’s also mad easy to grow your own, just make sure to do your research to grow them safely.

How we use it: a crunchy addition to sandwiches.

30. Hot peppers

Some like it hot — and that’s not a bad thing. Capsaicin is what gives hot peppers their heat, and it may (ironically) offer some anti-inflammatory benefits. Hot peppers are also rich in vitamin C and several other nutrients, too.

How we use it: to make any and everything spicy.

31. Carrots

There are very few veggies that taste equally great raw as they do cooked in chicken noodle soup or candied in maple syrup. In fact, carrots are the only one that fits the bill. They’re also full of beta-carotene, a plant-based vitamin A precursor that helps maintain eye health.

How we use it: roasted with rosemary and olive oil.

32. Spaghetti squash

Wanna lighten up your pasta dishes? Go for the plant that’s full of noodles. When cooked, spaghetti squash flesh can be easily and quickly pulled into pasta-like strands. It’s a good source of healthy carbs, and loaded with vitamins and minerals too.

How we use it: as a super-fresh, super-light alternative to pasta.

33. Mushrooms

OK, they’re technically fungi and not veggies, but they’re one of our favorite flavors and textures. They’re earthy flavor sponges, with a meaty texture that makes them an excellent plant-based meat alternative. Mushrooms that have been exposed to UV light are also one of the only natural food sources of vitamin D.

How we use it: sliced and cooked in omelets.

The health benefits are unbe-leaf-able.

34. Cabbage

Cabbage is the leafy green veg that’s the bane of shared office lunchrooms everywhere, but that strong smell is an indicator of a rich antioxidant presence. Cabbage is also loaded with vitamins and minerals, like vitamins C and K.

How we use it: slaw for fish tacos.

35. Swiss chard

Swiss chard is a mild-tasting, leafy green veg with long stems. It’s great cooked, in soups, or eaten raw, and it’s a good source of plant-based calcium. 🎵 Just to set the mood, we brought some Marvin Gaye and chardonnay. 🎵

How we use it: cooked down in soup.

36. Kale

Food trendiness aside, kale is in-kale-culably healthy. This leafy green is tougher than spinach, so it can withstand longer cooking times. It’s also a really outstanding source of vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C.

How we use it: to make kale chips.

37. Mustard greens

We love mustard and we love greens, so mustard greens are where it’s at. They’re comparable to kale, but with a more distinct, peppery flavor (after all, the seeds are used to make mustard). Mustard greens are high in fiber and a load of nutrients too, including copper.

How we use it: as a Southern-style side dish.

38. Bok choy

Bok choy is a Chinese cabbage with a mild flavor, tender dark green leaves, and crispy, water-rich white bulbs at the end of each leaf. Like other greens, it’s loaded with a wide variety of nutrients — and a bowl full of baby bok choy will make anyone smile.

How we use it: shredded and tossed in an Asian peanut dressing.

39. Arugula

Arugula is an outstanding peppery salad green. It’s got a really distinct flavor, thanks to the presence of glucosinolate compounds. What doctors are saying about it: A diet rich in vegetables including arugula may offer protection against some chronic diseases, including certain types of cancer — an excellent reason to eat more of this green.

How we use it: as a side salad with a tangy-sweet vinaigrette or piled on top of pizza.

40. Lettuce

There are more varieties of lettuce than there are grains of sand on the earth (or so it seems), but one commonality between all the different types of lettuce is that they’re low in calories, high in water, and a perfect way to add fiber and volume to meals to make them more filling.

How we use it: piled high on a sandwich or as the base of a taco bowl.

41. Spinach

Spinach is a favorite green veggie for many people thanks to its tenderness and mild flavor. It’s also a great way to get your calcium and iron in on a plant-based diet. Popeye was on to something (and olive oil is spinach’s ideal partner IRL too).

How we use it: cooked in scrambled eggs.

42. Brussels sprouts

If you’ve ever felt like eating 20 cabbages in one sitting, we’ve got great news for you. Brussels sprouts are an amazing bite-sized cabbage-like veggie that are high in the anti-inflammatory compound kaempferol.

How we use it: halved and roasted in olive oil.

These fruits can help make your health journey a *fruitful* one.

43. Lemons

A little squeeze of fresh lemon juice is the perfect way to brighten up a meal or a glass of water — all while supporting the health of your immune system, skin, and more thanks to its vitamin C content.

How we use it: sliced in water or baked on top of salmon.

44. Limes

These little green citrus fruits pack tons of flavor, and they’re rich in key (lime) nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.

How we use it: as a finishing touch to Mexican dishes.

45. Bananas

We admire bananas because they’re cheap, versatile, and tasty — and we can kinda relate to them bc the 2020s have made us all a little bit bananas. With electrolytes and natural carbs, they’re also a perfect pre or post-workout snack (paired with some protein, of course).

How we use it: to make banana pancakes (2 eggs + 1 banana + blender = pancake batter).

46. Strawberries

Strawbs are super delicious and sweet, but still a great option for people who may be following lower carb diets. Compared to many other fruits, strawberries have less sugar — but they’re still full of nutrients.

How we use it: eaten whole with the tops cut off, blended in smoothies, or sliced and sprinkled with a touch of sugar for a sweet treat.

47. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of our favorite poppable snacks (and who can say no to blueberry desserts?? 🤤). They’re also super rich in antioxidant anthocyanins, which give them their blue-purple hue and powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

How we use it: on yogurt with some walnuts and honey.

48. Blackberries

We love picking blackberries fresh off the bush, but picking them fresh off the produce tray is definitely the next best thing. Like blueberries, they’re a concentrated source of anthocyanins. They’re also really rich in fiber, thanks in part to their seediness. Seedy for sure, but no shade here.

How we use it: eat them fresh off the plant.

49. Kiwi

For a little tropical pick-me-up in the middle of the day, kiwi is the perfect snack. Kiwi also may be a powerful source of antioxidants that can help to reduce free radical damage.

How we use it: diced up and toss on a salad.

50. Cherries

In addition to being nature’s Sweettarts, tart cherries are beneficial for arterial health. We love to keep a bowl on hand during the summer months for easy snacking.

How we use it: to make an easy dessert with dark chocolate.

51. Dates

Dates are the dried fruits of the date palm. They contain a variety of vits and mins, and have a very caramelly sweetness that makes them ideal for sweetening baked goods naturally.

How we use it: to sweeten green smoothies.

52. Elderberries

Elderberries are the tiny, dark red-purple berries popularized by elderberry syrup, the immune tonic. Elderberry supplements may actually help with cold symptoms, and they’re delicious too!

How we use it: in homemade elderberry syrup.

53. Grapefruit

Grapefruit may be an acquired taste, but you’ll also *acquire* lots of antioxidants and vitamin C when you eat it.

How we use it: to balance a rich breakfast.

54. Pineapple

Ever wondered why pineapple can make your mouth sting? Pineapples contain a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain that causes this. So technically, when you eat pineapple, it kinda eats you back.

How we use it: in pineapple fried rice.

55. Watermelon

The aptly named watermelon is over 91 percent water, so it’s supremely hydrating. In addition, it’s got some antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins too. The perfect skin-nourishing food!

How we use it: two words — watermelon margaritas.

Sometimes, you just need to carb load.

56. Potatoes

Potatoes often get thrown under the bus because of misconceptions about white-colored foods being unhealthy, but white potatoes are actually just as nutrient-dense as their orange cousins, sweet potatoes. And let’s be real, they’re delicious too.

How we use it: boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew.

57. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, which gives them their bright orange hue. Research has also shown that potatoes (white or sweet) are more filling than other carbohydrate-dense foods, which is something to keep in mind if you’re trying to lose weight.

How we use it: diced and roasted with lots of fresh ground pepper.

58. Acorn squash

Acorn squash has a sweet, nutty flavor and is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. You can go sweet or savory with them — like stuffing them with savory stuffing OR drizzling them with honey and butter. YUM.

How we use it: halved and roasted with butter and maple syrup.

The OTHER “Omnivore’s Dilemma” — what’s for dinner?

59. Bone-in chicken

Bone-in chicken is inexpensive and nutrient-rich, and the crispy skin just can’t. be. beat.

How we use it: roasted until the meat is juicy and the skin is browned and crisp.

60. Beef

Beef often gets a bad rap, as red meat consumption has been linked to increased risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease — not to mention meat production facilities haven’t always been known for their overly ethical practices.

That being said, beef is highly nutritious and loaded with protein and a huge variety of nutrients. When eaten as part of a balanced diet, it can be a healthy choice. We recommend seeking out humanely raised, grass-fed cuts to ensure the best quality.

How we use it: grilled to a nice medium-rare.

61. Shrimp

Shrimp is another tasty, lean protein choice that’s full of ocean minerals like iodine. Get crafty in the kitchen with whole shrimp, or keep a bag of peeled, deveined, frozen shrimp in your freezer for a quick dinner in a pinch.

How we use it: in garlicky shrimp scampi.

62. Salmon

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which offer anti-inflammatory benefits and are important for brain and heart health too.

How we use it: baked with lots of lemon, butter, and fresh dill.

63. Tuna

Tuna fish — fresh or canned — is protein-rich and contains plenty of nutrients. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming…

How we use it: in tuna salad.

64. Eggs

Eggs are one of the least expensive, easiest to absorb forms of protein available. The yolks are also loaded with nutrients like brain-healthy choline. There’s no debate here — eggs can def be part of a healthy diet.

How we use it: perfect 6-minute eggs (trust us on this).

65. Bone broth

Bone broth is a little more involved than any old chicken or beef broth. It’s made from slow boiling or pressure cooking the bones to really get every bit of nutrition from them as possible — leaving a broth that’s full of collagen, vitamins and minerals, and all kinds of goodness.

How we use it: as a flavorful base for soups.

66. Lamb

Lamb is reminiscent of beef, but it’s actually richer in fat and calories. It’s also a great source of several different nutrients. Unlike most beef in the U.S., most lamb is grass-fed, which is closer to their natural diet than a grain-based feed.

How we use it: to make lamb chops with mint sauce for an at-home date night.

We’ve bean thinking about how healthy these legumes are.

67. Peas

Peas are an excellent plant-based source of protein. So — peas? Yes peas!

How we use it: warm and comforting split pea soup.

68. Chickpeas

Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, along with several vitamins and minerals. They can be used for TONS of things — from making cookies or hummus to standing in for meat in entree dishes.

How we use it: to make homemade hummus.

69. Black beans

Black beans are a boldly-flavored legume featured heavily in Latin cuisine. They contain several phytonutrients, like quercetin — which may help support healthy aging.

How we use it: To make black bean burritos.

70. Lentils

Lentils are tiny and bead-like, but just as protein- and fiber-rich as any other legume on this list. Their size makes them a little bit more versatile than other types of beans, too.

How we use it: To make lentil soup.

71. Peanuts

Wait — peanuts? Yeah, they’re actually a legume rather than a nut. But regardless, they’re an excellent source of fat, fiber, and protein — making them a perfect snack.

How we use it: as an easy snack.

72. Almonds

We are all about almonds. Almond butter, almond milk, almond flour, just almonds — check. It’s a great snack and also a good substitute for other foods that may not fit into your eating style, like milk or regular flour.

How we use it: as almond flour for a low carb flour substitute.

73. Sesame seeds

Open sesame — for real. Sesame seeds are full of antioxidants, as well as fat, fiber, and protein. They also go well with all types of cuisines — from Asian to Mediterranean to Big Macs.

How we use it: sprinkled on dishes for added crunch.

74. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts (you know, the ones in Nutella) are full of flavor, and full of good stuff — like fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

How we use it: as a snack or salad topping.

75. Flax seeds

Ground flax seed can be a low-key addition to almost anything for a fiber boost, and it’s a good source of plant-based omega-3s. Flax on flax on flax.

How we use it: sneak it into baked goods.

76. Chia seeds

Chia seeds’ carbs are nearly 100 percent fiber, so they’re great for your 💩.

How we use it: for chia pudding.

77. Sunflower seeds

Like other seeds, sunflower seeds are high in fat, fiber, and protein — making them a well-balanced crunchy snack.

How we use it: as a salty snack (but maybe don’t eat them like Ace Ventura).

78. Walnuts

Walnuts are a really tasty tree nut, but they earned a spot on this list because they’re higher in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats than any other nut — nuts, right?

How we use it: crushed and used as breading or tossed in a salad.

79. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts aren’t widely eaten in the U.S., but a single nut may meet your daily selenium needs — so it’s not a bad idea to nosh on one every once in a while (or every day).

How we use it: as a once-daily selenium boost.

80. Nut butters

Any of these, as a spread? Oh yes. Just look for one with no added sugars or oils.

How we use it: by the spoonful (sorry not sorry).

Flavor and phytonutrients — an excellent combo.

81. Turmeric

Turmeric is bright, bright golden-yellow, with an earthy and mildly spicy flavor. It can be added to nearly any savory dish, as long as you don’t mind it being yellow. And it’s rich in curcumin, which is considered a natural pain reliever.

How we use it: to season many different kinds of recipes.

82. Black pepper

Black pepper is good on everything of course, but it’s actually turmeric’s BFF. It contains a compound called piperine, which helps the body absorb curcumin sooooo much more effectively than it would be able to otherwise.

How we use it: generously, and on everything.

83. Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt is pretty, but it’s a lot more than that. It comes from the Salt Range mountains in Pakistan, and its unique pink color comes from the trace minerals it contains. Talk about Salt Bae.

How we use it: as a finishing salt.

84. Cinnamon

There’s no spice that’s quite as comforting as cinnamon. It’s also full of antioxidants and may even help with blood sugar control.

How we use it: sprinkled over desserts.

85. Ginger

Ginger is spicy, flavorful, and warm, and it’s great for nausea. Additionally, it has been used as a home remedy to manage cold symptoms, but research has yet to prove if it’s actually effective.

How we use it: grated fresh into Asian dishes or steeped as a tea.

86. Peppermint

If you like minty fresh, then you need a peppermint plant on your windowsill. Not only is it a prolific grower, but peppermint is a natural nausea reliever too.

How we use it: to liven up water.

87. Cayenne pepper

Feeling hot hot hot? Cayenne pepper is an easy way to get a dose of heat AND capsaicin without having to deal with whole peppers.

How we use it: to make everything spicy.

88. Rosemary

Rosemary is a super fragrant herb that is good on any meat or fish, and it’s loaded with healthy, anti-inflammatory antioxidants and phytochemicals.

How we use it: to make an easy aioli with mayo, minced garlic, and lemon juice.

89. Oregano

Oregano has a peppery, savory flavor that makes everything it’s in smell amazing, and this herb may also provide some powerful immune benefits.

How we use it: on homemade pizza.

90. Honey

Honey is tasty natural sweetener made by bees from flower nectar. It contains some minerals, and also provides some immune health benefits and may help reduce cough symptoms. Honey, we’re home 🐝

How we use it: to sweeten tea.

91. Molasses

Molasses is a dark, honey-thick syrup that’s produced during the process of extracting sugar from sugarcane. It’s got an extremely deep flavor with tempered sweetness and is surprisingly mineral-rich (especially in iron, selenium, and copper).

How we use it: to add some complex sweetness to cooked dishes.

92. Maple syrup

Maple syrup is the richly-flavored product of maple tree sap. It’s an ideal natural sweetener, and it’s full of vitamins and minerals too.

How we use it: as a topping for banana pancakes.

93. Allulose

If you’re limiting sugar for any reason (bc of diabetes or keto, for example), honey, molasses, and maple syrup may not be a good fit due to their carb content. Allulose, however, is a unique type of sugar that the body doesn’t entirely metabolize.

How we use it: in place of sugar.

It’s nice to pretend we could drink plain water and nothing else, but it’s always good to have some other healthy beverage options.

94. Coffee

While the healthfulness of coffee has been the subject of debate before, most research now recognizes its health benefits. Coffee is full of antioxidants like chlorogenic acid, which may help regulate appetite. Additionally, the caffeine in coffee does give you a little cognitive boost — just don’t overdo it.

How we use it: to feel human after getting out of bed.

95. Green tea

Earthy and mellow green tea contains l-theanine and caffeine, two nootropic (brain-boosting) compounds that are better together than apart. The combination promotes focus and calmness, two things we could all use more of in 2022.

How we use it: our go-to sip at work.

96. Protein shake

OK, so there’s no tree you can pluck a protein shake off of — making it one of the most processed foods to rank on our list. However, protein shakes are ideal if you’re in a hurry to get breakfast, tackling a hectic schedule, or in need of a quick post-workout protein infusion. Look for one that doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners or excessive added sugars.

How we use it: for an on-the-go meal or snack.

97. Golden latte

Golden lattes are a tasty way to get your turmeric in. They typically contain black pepper, which contains a compound called piperine that increases absorption of curcumin by a mega 2,000 percent. They also typically contain milk, which helps improve absorption. A little honey for sweetness makes it a hug in a mug.

How we use it: as a cozy nightcap.

98. Sparkling water

Need something fizzy but want to avoid soda? This is where sparkling water comes in. It’s perfectly fizzy and you can flavor it with lemon or lime slices, ginger, or mint for a DIY unsweetened soda. Naturally carbonated water can give you a little mineral boost too.

How we use it: to get the fizz fix.

Here are a few more healthy food faves that don’t quite fit in any other category.

99. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a higher concentration of cacao — the bean that chocolate comes from — than milk chocolate. Cacao has a similar antioxidant profile to red wine, and is so full of nutrients it’s practically a multivitamin. (OK, just kidding about that part.) Choose one that’s at least 70 percent cacao to minimize added sugars and other ingredients.

How we use it: as a bittersweet treat.

100. Apple cider vinegar

ACV is the darling of the home remedy world, but don’t sleep on its usefulness in the kitchen either. Its high acetic acid content may help your blood sugar levels, and ACV’s fruity (but still very much vinegary) flavor makes it the perfect cooking vinegar.

How we use it: to make flavorful marinades and dressings.

101. Seaweed

If you love salty snacks, seaweed may be right up your alley. It’s an excellent source of minerals like iodine. It’s crispy and tastes like the ocean (in a good way), and you can get it in tons of flavors and sizes (for snacking or making wraps).

How we use it: as a crispy, briny snack.

102. Feta cheese

Feta is a super-versatile, creamy and salty cheese that can find a home in nearly any dish — from salads to sandwiches to pasta. It also contains a lot of calcium (more so than some other types of cheese) and is full of other vitamins and minerals.

How we use it: for a creamy salad topping.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard, even if it does seem a little intimidating at first. These 102 foods can be a helpful starting point for you to adjust to healthy eats.