There’s too much Internet—with wonders like Beyoncé showing us her go-to workout—and too little time. That’s why we curate a list of the best of the best (a.k.a. “the Greatist”) things we’ve come across on the Web this week. In other words, it’s the stuff we’d email/gchat/tweet/text you immediately if we were besties. While we’ll never stop striving to bring our readers amazing content on a daily basis, we know not all the best stuff comes from us.
1. Science Explains the Secret to Keeping Your Beer From Spilling (Fusion)
If you’ve ever wondered why dancing around with a beer in your hand doesn’t lead to more spills, science finally has an answer. It turns out the foam on top acts as a cap that latches onto beer at the edges of the glass and stops it from spilling over—so yes, foam basically works like Spanx for your beer. Fun fact: This scientific principle applies to all foamy beverages, which is why lattés are less likely to spill than coffee.
2. 6 Physical Effects of Binge-Watching TV (Details)
We’re in the age of binge watching shows—and the third season of House of Cards just premiered on Netflix, so excuse us while we spend all weekend watching. But have you stopped to think about what prolonged sitting does to your body? The impacts are pretty startling: Science has found your lung capacity drops, you develop insomniac tendencies, and you eat more (especially when you have a bowl of popcorn by your side).
3. My Boyfriend Loves Fat Women (BuzzFeed)
We hear again and again how the media and pop culture create an environment where everyone is striving to be thinner, fitter, and just generally more beautiful. But what happens when someone’s idea of beauty is “larger ladies”—and what if that someone happens to be your boyfriend? We loved this personal story from a BuzzFeed writer who’s struggled with weight her whole life and explains how she found it difficult to be in a relationship with someone who loves her bigger body type.
4. The Genetics of Being Injury-Prone (The Atlantic)
Some of us just seem to get injured a lot. We haven’t just broken our arms, we’ve also sprained our ankles, pulled our hamstrings, and torn our ACL. The reason behind these mounting injuries isn’t just our general clumsiness (or our risk-taking personality), but instead that we might be genetically predisposed to injury. Our friends over at The Atlantic dive into the scientific research, reaveling that a lot of it has to do with collagen genes that have been found to lead to everything from torn ACLs to muscle cramps.
5. It’s Official: Americans Should Drink More Coffee (The Washington Post)
This is the best news for those of us who can’t go without a morning cup (or three) of coffee. Sure, those caffeine jitters can make us a little concerned. (What’s exactly happening to our bodies?) But the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which makes dietary recommendations to a number of government agencies, says that drinking up to five cups of coffee a day does not present a major health risk for average Americans. Why are you still reading this when you could be in line at Starbucks?
6. Are You Worried About This Woman’s Health? (Refinery29)
There’s been a lot of news about plus-sized models in the past year, from the runway to the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. When these stories are published online, the comment trolls come out in full force. Kelsey Miller over at Refinery29 calls them “concern trolls” for their judgment disguised as a compliment (“Sure, she’s beautiful, but is she healthy?”) and explains how she’s experienced these trolls when she writes about herself online.