Happy weekend! As always, Links We Love brings you our favorite health and fitness inspiration from around the web. This week, we have an interesting piece about practicing yoga in prison, and an unexpected way to spice things up in the bedroom. We want to show some love and share kick-ass content in the wellness world, so here are our picks:
Inmates Find Health and Solace in Yoga — The New York TimesYou can seriously do yoga anywhere — prisons included. Read how down-dog, warrior III, and savasana are helping and healing inmates.
Infographic: We’re Living Longer, But Less Healthy Too — FastCo DesignLongevity may not always equate with better health. This infographic suggests for every 12 months of living, only ten are in good health.
The Libido Fix You Haven’t Tried — PreventionNeed a boost in the bedroom? Meditation may be your answer. (But seriously.)
Blog Spotlight
Resolved: Eat the Damn Cookie — Runner’s World (Remy’s World)It’s funny, but it’s also true: Rather than worrying about the plate of dessert infront of you, enjoy a tasty treat — and then hit the ground running.
Grab Bag
How to Learn to Love Healthy Food (Picky Eaters Included) — LifeHackerGood-for-you food doesn’t have to be expensive or hard to prepare. Check out these ways to eat well that are still affordable, easy, and delicious.
What are some of your favorite reads from around the web? Share in the comments below or tweet @greatist.
Photo: gointeractivewellness