CBD for dogs. Collagen popcorn. Cauliflower everything. Four hundred types of milk that do NOT come from cows. Intuitive eating layered upon intermittent fasting (obvi).
What do you mean you’re not doing them *all*?
Yeah, OK — I’m not, either. But I sure do daydream about the day a Doritos + Don Julio pairing is the latest afternoon tea trend.
In a world where fads fly at us faster than January “new year, new you” headlines, it’s important to be not just discerning but also darn relaxed when it comes to scrolling through what “everyone’s doing right now.”
I mean, heck — did you know the term “fad” means “for a day”?
Here’s how to liberate yourself from the try-it-all impulses that bombard us — and how to live happily fad-free in a fad-filled wellness world.
Be honest with yourself. What have you tried over the years, really, because all your in-the-know friends were raving about it?
Brothing? Ice-cold showers? Twenty-one days of hot yoga? Spinning under water? Placenta facials? Just looking at your history will reveal two things, pronto:
- that you should expect fads, because they’ll never end
- whether or not trends typically work for you
Hey, if you still dig simmering animal bones on a Sunday night and slapping stem cells onto your face once in a while — work it, friend!
If not, think: What have your fad tests taught you? Are they valuable in some way, or are they a bit of an (overrated, expensive, anxiety-inducing) miss?
That leads us to…
And I don’t mean the gluten-stuffed dough you’re (meant to be) skimping on.
Remember that wellness is an industry — a $4.2 trillion-dollar industry, in fact. Like any business, it has to keep creating new products and services to survive.
It’s the same reason Hollywood keeps making movies — even though the same stories are told over and over in new ways, they still succeed, because we still love to consume them. The same goes for the fashion industry and the travel industry.
But think about what saying “no” to the current rage has saved those who don’t consume $25 crystal-infused water and $85 aromatherapy oils. Where can skipping the hype help not just your brain space but also your bank balance?
Ever notice a bit of smugness when someone is really into something for a while? It’s all “keto this, Cali-sober that.” Trying to impress others by advertising your participation in some current health trend can start to feel a bit poser-like, amiright?
That’s cool. Life’s an individual pursuit. No judgment.
But what about the person who discovers a personal winner, a real passion, and sticks with it? Farewell, fad! Hello, joy!
For example, my friend Laura has been taking twice weekly hip-hop dance classes for over a decade and lives for them.
My sister Nikki has been doing at-home face scrubs with brown sugar and coconut oil since her 20s, and she looks at least 10 years younger than she is.
My former co-worker Julie has been Paleo since waaay before I knew what that meant. (In 2011, I was baffled when she skipped pizza Friday. She explained that “Paleolithic” means “ancient,” referring to eating caveman-like. I was mind-boggled.)
These examples aren’t for inspiration. They could be short-lived crazes, for sure. But for these people, they’re not — because the intention isn’t to impress, it’s to improve.
Have you ever noticed that some trends always come back around?
Sleep 8 hours. Eat real food. Take some time off once in a while. Don’t drink too much. Listen to that wise temple of yours when it tells you what you need (rest, eat what gives you energy, move around a bit).
Experiment if it feels good, sure. But a whole lotta bliss can come from living your life exactly as you live it, without changing a thing. You can be curious and just smile, unmoved, as the fads fill up your feeds.
Susie Moore is Greatist’s life coach columnist. Sign up for free weekly confidence injection on her website or check out her YouTube channel for actionable advice that’ll make you feel fabulous, fast.