You’re here! That means it’s Monday, or it’s feeling like one. Don’t worry, Greatist has your back. Subscribe to our newsletter for direct access to Mondays with Minaa, a mental health column by our resident self-care expert, Minaa.

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Hi Greatist readers and Happy New year!

We made it out of 2020. We’re onto a new chapter in a new season with so many adventures and opportunities ahead of us.

Last week, I shared some tips with you on setting intentions because it’s a New Year. I think there’s no better time to be intentional and put those intentions into practice!

Remember when I walked you through those five dimensions of self-care? I encourage you to explore those five dimensions daily, Mon-Fri, and set an intention on your calendar for each day.

The intentions should be simple and focus on a different dimension of self-care each day (emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and intellectual).

  1. eating a balanced meal today
  2. moving your body for 20 minutes
  3. limiting how much screen time you allow yourself
  4. meditating to connect with your higher self
  5. reaching out to a friend for reconnection

Write out an intention that you plan to commit to for each day of the week and see how you do. I’ll be back next week to follow up and see what came up for you!

With love,
Minaa B.