If you’re Whole30ing right now, we’re sending you a big air-five for your efforts in cooking more, avoiding processed foods, and giving the bread and booze a (much-needed) break. We know it’s no easy feat to pass on Bagel Fridays, but we can tell you’re getting sick of cracking eggs into the frying pan… every.single.morning. We know we always tell you there are tons of Whole30 breakfast recipes to choose from, but we get that sometimes it’s just easier to stick to what you know, even when that means a total snoozefest for your taste buds. The solution to bringing some excitement back? Whole30 smoothies.
Hold, please. If you’re a diehard Whole30-er (or anyone who’s read the rules), then you know that our friend and Whole30 founder, Melissa Hartwig, isn’t crazy about the idea of smoothies while on the diet. She actually prefers you stay away from them. We pulled this line directly from the Whole30 site to provide more clarity: Food that you drink sends different satiety signals to your brain than food that you chew. So when you drink your meal, your brain isn’t getting the feedback it needs to tell your body that it’s had enough of what it needs.
So consider these smoothies Whole30ish. You’ll be going slightly against the rulebook because you won’t be chewing, but not too far off because you’ll only be adding Whole30-friendly ingredients to your blender. We’re not saying to drink a smoothie every day, but when it’s time for a fast and easy meal that helps you stick to the Whole30 diet, get out your blenders and make these Whole30 smoothie recipes.
1.Healthy Warm Sticky Cinnamon Roll Smoothie
There’s no rule that says smoothies can’t be served hot. Made with a sweet potato base, a few Medjool dates, and lots of cinnamon, this warm sticky bun smoothie is so cozy you might not know whether to drink it or to cuddle with it.
2. Healthy 4-Ingredient Chocolate Raspberry Layered Smoothie
Don’t be fooled by the chocolate—you won’t find any added sugar or dairy here. This breakfast smoothie is loaded with chia seeds, raspberries, and carob powder so you won’t have to think twice about eating dessert for breakfast.
3. Keto Avocado Smoothie With Coconut Milk, Ginger, and Turmeric
Detox smoothies have a bit of a shady history, but this is one we can get behind. Featuring your favorite superfood heavy-hitters, this smoothie gives you all the good stuff and spares you the sneaky sugar-free sweeteners. Plus, it’s low in carbs and high in fat, making it a sweet treat for any of your keto friends too.
4. Pineapple Blueberry Smoothie
With a few simple ingredients, you can whip up this light, refreshing smoothie in less than five minutes. Pineapples and blueberries are naturally sweet, rich in antioxidants, and exactly the fruits you should be slurping up while stretched out on the beach, soaking up some vitamin D. (Or if you’re in the middle of an arctic blast like we are, drink up and pretend you’re somewhere warmer.)
5. Almond Butter Banana Smoothie
It may be hard to fathom making smoothies without PB, but luckily, we’ve got almond butter for that. Here’s a classic combo guaranteed to satisfy all nut butter lovers that only requires four ingredients (you can skip the vanilla).
6. Cashew Date Shake
Meet the Palm Springs date shake’s healthier cousin. Though you’ll be skipping the milk and ice cream, adding hella cashews (and a little coconut whipped “cream”) gives this smoothie the same thick, creamy consistency you’d find in the classic California shake.
7. Paleo Pumpkin Coconut Smoothie
Step aside, PSL, you’re not the only fall drink in town anymore. Blend pumpkin purée and pumpkin spice with some coconut milk and banana for a frozen fall treat that will get you through the fact that summer is over.
8. Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Smoothie
Loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients like spinach, berries, and cayenne, this superfood smoothie will fire you up for the morning (the amount of heat you add is up to you!) so you’re ready to take on the day and tackle your Whole30 diet.
9. White Peppermint Smoothie
‘Tis the season for peppermint everything. And, much to the chagrin of us Whole30-ers, that ‘everything’ usually includes sugar. (RIP, peppermint bark.) But this seasonal treat is totally sugar-free… which means it’s totally fair game.
10. Cherry Chocolate Smoothie
When cherry meets chocolate, something magical happens. Maybe it’s all the antioxidants talking, but we’d drink this sweet, rich combination all day if we could. Oh wait, we can. Cherries make great bedtime snacks to help you relax before (or sometimes after) you hit the hay so it’s not just for breakfast.
11. Paleo and Whole30 Mocha Latte
Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten what a smoothie is. Though this mocha isn’t one, we want to leave you with something a little warmer since it’s, you know, freezing outside. Made with just four ingredients, this latte is the perfect way to start your morning… before venturing out into the tundra.