this is a traditioal stew, rabbits are in great abundance in Ireland.

  • Yields: 4-6 portions
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Total: 30 mins prep 1 1/2 hours cooking

Ingredients (1)

  • 1 rabbit, 1 1/2 oz butter,3 sliced onions, 1oz flour,2 cups chix stock, juice 1 lemon,3 carrots sliced,4oz mushrooms, seasoning and lemon strips.


  1. wash dry and joint the rabbit. melt fat in earthenware casserole and fry the rabbit on either side for 1 minute and remove. fry onions without colour add flour and cookout. add stock and lemon juice and bring to the boil. add rabbit and carrots, bring back to the boil. season add mushroms.
  2. put lid on casserole, place in the top of a pre-heated oven for 1 1/2 hours. oven temp gas 6, 200oc, 400f.
  3. serve from dish, with mashed fried turnip and champ potatoes