If you’ve spent any time in the corporate world, you know company-sponsored wellness challenges produce mixed results at best. Maybe you’ll eat healthier snacks for a few weeks or talk to a nutritionist once. Or maybe you’ll half-heartedly volunteer for a standing desk.
But what if you were to really take things to the next level? Say, by turning a generic challenge to “add something new to your routine” into a commitment to walk 10,000 steps a day?
If you’re Carol Glover, you’d get bored and start making art.
To keep the monotony of walking at bay, Glover, creative director at Balcom Agency, started to collect the random metal she passed on the street every day. Coming home loaded down with odds and ends, she would drop the pieces on a table and start arranging, letting the angles find themselves and then Instagramming the final product—proof that she’d gotten her steps (and adventure) in.
Pretty soon her collecting habit morphed into a mini art project—the thrill of finding a lug nut or tire weight keeping her going, the kind of exercise motivation other people get from podcasts or playlists.
Her coworkers were supportive both on Instagram and in the office, with some joining in on the collection quest. Overall, though, Glover says one of the month’s main takeaways was the benefit of finding what works for you. “We’re all doing different things to get to this common goal of being a little healthier,” she says. “It brought that even more to the surface.”
And though Glover says she doesn’t see a long-term photography series in her future, her new habit may be here to stay. “What’s funny now is I can’t walk anywhere without looking for things,” she says.