Keep forgetting to take your birth control pills? Just ask Alexa for help. Amazon Alexa has partnered with the women’s health and online birth control provider Nurx to be your new AI sidekick in preventing pregnancy.

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Design by Mekhi Baldwin; Photography by Nurx

The Nurx Birth Control and Sexual Health Knowledge Skill for Alexa lets you ask your device to set birth control reminders and ask reproductive health questions. You can ask things like, “Alexa, ask Nurx to remind me to take my birth control at 7 p.m.” or “Alexa, ask Nurx how the birth control pill works.”

Forgetting to take the pill on the regular happens (we’re only human). That’s why Planned Parenthood estimates about 9 out of 100 people taking the pill still get pregnant each year.

“Our medical team hears almost daily from patients who have forgotten to take one or more pills and are concerned about pregnancy, and in some cases, we need to prescribe emergency contraception for them,” notes Jennifer Peña, MD, chief medical officer at Nurx. “We want to give people on the pill new ways to remember and stay on top of their health.”

To launch the free skill on your device, just say, “Alexa, launch Nurx.” You can also download it at the Skills Store on or in the Alexa app.