When hunger hits every hour on the hour, it’s tough to get anything done. To keep the afternoon munchies at bay, try adding some more protein to that breakfast routine. Research suggests people who eat a high-protein breakfast — egg and veggie scramble, anyone? — are less likely to experience persistent hunger throughout the day. That means less temptation to reach for some less-than-healthy snacks when that afternoon lull hits.

Need more reasons to chow down in the morning? Students who eat breakfast generally perform better in class — an important lesson even for those who’ve graduated from the classroom to the boardroom.

Read on for more tips on adding protein to breakfast.

The Takeaway: Make protein the center of attention at breakfast to stay alert and keep hunger at bay throughout the day.

Beware of Breakfast Cereal

It’s quick and easy, but many breakfast cereals are high on sugar and low on pretty much everything else, putting them on the dangerfood list.

Sweet, or Salty?

Researchers suggest a savory breakfast might also fend off hunger for the rest of the day.