Happy Sunday! As always, Links We Love brings you our favorite health and fitness inspiration from around the web. This week, we have an inspring video on how CrossFit changed a man’s life, and a thought-provoking review on barefoot running shoes. We want to show some love and share kick-ass content in the wellness world, so here are our picks:


Exploring the Effects of Music on Exercise Intensity — ACE Fitness

Need to up the intensity at the gym? This article suggests endurance can increase up to 15 percent by turning on the tunes.


Coping with Emotional Eating — HerCampus

Stressin out? Learn why we reach for the cookie jar and how to stop using snacks to decrease anxiety.


Why Waiting In Line Drives You Crazy — The Happiness Project

Learn why waiting in super long lines can make even the most patience people stressed out and annoyed.

Blog Spotlight

How I Went From Hating to Loving Vibram Five Fingers — BuiltLean

Minimal shoes may not be for all of us, but read this in depth review that explains the pros or running (nearly) free.

Grab Bag

Overcoming Adversity Through CrossFit [Video] — Vimeo

Watch this inspring video about how the CrossFit box changed a handicapped man’s life. (We dare you not to be touched.)